Ecstasy is the common name for MethyleneDioxyMethAmphetamine, or MDMA. It is a synthetic drug usually sold as small tablets which come in a variety of colors and sizes. It is also available as powder and can be snorted or injected.

Ecstasy is a stimulant because it speeds up the functions of the central nervous system.
Be Careful:

  • Ecstasy is illegal and a conviction for possession can carry long prison sentences.
  • Frequent or high doses have been linked to neurotoxic damage in laboratory animals.
  • It is still unknown whether such damage occurs in humans or, if it does, whether this has any long-term, negative consequences.
  • Some people experience depression after taking MDMA. This is caused by MDMA's action on certain brain chemicals.
  • There have been some deaths associated with large butterflyMDMA. Usually these have been a result of heatstroke from dancing for long periods of time in hot clubs without replenishing lost body fluids.
  • Much of what is sold as "ecstasy" on the black market actually contains other drugs, some of which can be more dangerous than MDMA, like PMA, speed, DXM and PCP.
  • Mixing ecstasy with alcohol or other drugs increases the risk of adverse reactions.
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